View Profile Danves

7 Movie Reviews

1 w/ Responses

Best use of Breakfast Machine that I've ever seen

This is pretty much exactly what I picture when I listen to that song, people working frantically in a factory. Awesome job.


I loved it! It was very original, and everything seemed to fit together perfectly. There are a few things that could be tweaked though. I couldn't hear the poem all that well, and some of the credits seemed to be cut off for being too wide. Nothing major, just a little tweak and it would be perfect!

Hate to tell ya buddy...

Sonic and Robotnik kinda belong to Sega. And from what I've seen, you could do way better if you did something original. Sprites seem like kind of an easy way out to animation.

Khonjin responds:

I had 100000 people tell me Sonic is a segs charecter. I KNOW THAT! He goes into the storie later on in the episodes. You will find out why later.


Though this is one of the more original sprite animations I've seen, it's still a sprite animation. Some of the animation was excellent, and if it were applied to original ideas, humor, and characters, would produce some pretty amazing things, I'm sure.

It's so easy to dig in the sprite bag and whip up an animation, and I think it's kind of sad that so many unfunny sprite cartoons clog up the front page. Take a look at Flash Comedy Extravaganza by rtil, and if you don't get it, then I don't think theres hope. You can do better.

Pretty Damn cool

I liked the style alot, it was pretty sketchy, but you had some awesome action going on there. I wish I could have seen the result if you had enough time.

Freakin Sweet!

Wow, this was just an awesome animation. It had a great style and a great sense of humor. It's really good to see people doing hand drawn animations, you rarely see any of those anymore. And if there is an abundance somwhere that I haven't seen, I'm sorry.

Keep up the incredible work.

Age 37, Male

Tulsa, OK

Joined on 5/31/05

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